
We (Hackoustic) recently curated the HackousticVillage at the We Are Robots festival at Truman Brewery in London.

It was an incredible event full of amazing people. Here is a quick walk-through from our friend Sam Battle, AKA LookMumNoComputer

And here is a great breakdown of the event as a whole featuring a few of our artists:

WE ARE ROBOTS 2017 from Made in London on Vimeo.

Besides organising the whole thing with my Hackoustic co-conspirators, I had 2 installations present. I had a variation of my Hummingbird installation,I replaced the twitter-control on it with a simple button as I was having issues with my code.

Once the button is pressed, it plays a random beat for 8 bars and then is lost into the ether, never to be heard again!

photo by Debbie Atwell

My other installation was the newest rendition of the Proximity Mixer




Published by Vulpestruments

An assortment of hand crafted instruments, made from recycled, reused and readily available parts

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